Featured News 2018 Are Designated Drivers Reliable?

Are Designated Drivers Reliable?

designated driver (DD). While claiming a designated driver is a good idea, how often do DDs indulge in unsafe drinking practices despite their designation?

Study on Designated Drivers

In a study conducted near the University of Florida, researchers tested the blood alcohol content (BAC) of 1,071 people leaving bars after a Gator game. After they gathered the data, researchers took a closer look at the results of 165 people who self-identified as designated drivers. Here is what they found.

The research conducted on designated drivers revealed that:

  • 41% had been drinking
  • 17% had a BAC of 0.02 or below
  • 6% had a BAC between 0.02 and 0.05
  • 18% had a BAC of 0.05 or higher

If you see your DD drinking alcohol, especially hard alcohol, suggest that you all take a cab so everyone can partake in the festivities. You will care for everyone's safety while simultaneously taking your DD off the hook concerning their responsibilities.

How Alcohol Impairs Drivers

Many people believe that as long as the DD has a BAC under the legal limit, they should be okay to drive. Unfortunately, studies show this is not true. In controlled laboratory tests, some studies found that particular driving skills, such as reaction time, are impaired with a BAC of 0.02%. If a driver has a BAC of 0.05%, their ability to operate a vehicle is significantly hindered. So how many drinks until someone reaches 0.05%?

Here is the number of drinks a person can consume before reaching 0.05%:

  • Anyone Under 100 Pounds: 1 drink within 40 minutes
  • Anyone Under 160 Pounds: 2 drinks within 40 minutes
  • Anyone Under 240 Pounds: 3 drinks within 40 minutes

Therefore, if you see your DD drinking, suggest to everyone that you call a cab. Tell your friends that you want the DD to be able to have fun, and no one will question the decision.

Always err on the side of caution because real friends don't let other friends drive drunk. Although it can be difficult, telling a DD that they shouldn't drive may save you and your friends lives.

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