Featured News 2016 Why Do I Need a DUI Attorney?

Why Do I Need a DUI Attorney?

Were you just arrested for driving under the influence? The cards are stacked against you, after all, you were drinking. Do you really need a DUI attorney? Will it make much of a difference?

Propose this question to any lawyer and they will all say, "Yes, you absolutely need a DUI attorney!"

Maybe your income is too high and you don't qualify for a public defender. Or, you're more comfortable with a private attorney because you feel that they will give your case the attention it deserves.

Whatever your scenario, you are much better off hiring an experienced DUI attorney rather than representing yourself.

Even if you're a great researcher and you think you can represent yourself, you need a criminal defense lawyer who specializes in DUI defense. If you can navigate Google like a pro, why should you fork over the money for a lawyer?

Why Going With a Pro is Much Better

Understand that not all attorneys are equal. Sure, you can hire the guy that did your divorce to defend your DUI case, but he merely dabbles in DUI and has only handled a handful of cases. Then, you have the DUI defense specialist, who has spent thousands of hours in the trenches.

This attorney handles DUIs every day. They're on a first name basis with the local judges and prosecutors, and they know the science behind alcohol and drugs. Some of the best ones are Board Certified specialists and members of the National College for DUI Defense.

No amount of research on your part can compare to the hands-on experience that the DUI defense attorney has, fighting in the courtroom, and sitting across the negotiating table with prosecutors. Plus, the DUI attorney has earned the court's respect, and that's priceless.

When your future is at stake, put yourself in the hands of an experienced DUI defense attorney. Hire the best lawyer you can find.

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