Featured News 2013 Firefighter Arrested for DUI Accident En Route to Emergency Call

Firefighter Arrested for DUI Accident En Route to Emergency Call

Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol has been deemed as one of the most dangerous actions a person can do while behind the wheel of a vehicle, no matter the size. Naturally, the larger the vehicle the more risk there is of a serious accident if the driver is drunk. This was the case for a firefighter from California this past weekend. According to police reports, he was spotted on a number of security cameras throughout his night which have led to the investigators believing that he was in fact under the influence of alcohol while driving the response truck. These cameras show that the driver of the fire truck was attempting to lower his alcohol level after the accident in which he crashed into a motorcyclist while making a turn in the fire truck. The motorcyclist was taken to the near y hospital for serious injuries.

Various reports claim that the accident occurred and they pulled over based on the chief’s orders to do so. The San Francisco fire chief demanded that the driver remain in his seat until his investigators arrived, however he got up immediately and disappeared for about 90 minutes. The driver shed his firefighter garments and went into a local pub and drank a number of large pitchers of water to dilute the alcohol. However, it was not busy in the pub and the cameras were able to get a clear image of him at the bar, making him easily identifiable.

The driver eventually returned to the scene and was tested for alcohol consumption, reading a blood alcohol level of 0.13 percent. The legal limit for the average driver in California, and the majority of other states, is 0.08 percent. Police officers arrested him at the scene for driving under the influence. When interviewed by ABC News, a source claims that Fire Chief Joanne Hayes-White sent a letter to the Fire Commission as them to fire the driver from the force. In this letter, there were allegedly 13 different reasons for which the commissioners should terminate the employee. Among these concerns included drunkenness, entering an establishment that serves alcohol, disobeying a command, unsafe operation of a fire vehicle and others. At this point the police are expected to hand over the firefighters case to the district attorney and are asking that his charges be for both hit and run and felony drunk driving.

A drunk driving arrest is one that is not favorable for any person to experience as it includes a number of penalties if a person is convicted. However, in the case of this fire fighter, whether or not he is convicted of drunk driving, there is a good chance that his employer will continue pushing for him to lose his job for his actions because his job is dependent on his driving ability and cognizant behavior. When a person is accused of driving under the influence, they risk not only the possibility of a hefty fine, but there is also the chance that they may have to spend time behind bars for their actions and risk losing their driver’s license for a time. In the case for a person who drives for a living, there is a possibility that their employer may no longer want them behind the wheel, especially if their job holds the lives of other people in its hands.

As you can see, challenging your DUI charges are very important, which is why having an aggressive and skilled defense attorney at hand is so vital. Please use our website for more information on how to fight the charges placed against you!

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