Featured News 2014 Wrong-Way DUI Crash in Los Angeles Leads to Six Deaths

Wrong-Way DUI Crash in Los Angeles Leads to Six Deaths

In California, a 21-year-old driver caused a serious accident on the 60 freeway, killing six people. The driver had a previous DUI conviction, and was allegedly driving under the influence once again when the accident occurred. The young woman was only 17 when she was first convicted of a DUI.

In this recent incident, the 21-year-old was driving her 2013 Camaro the wrong way on the West 60 freeway. In the process, she hit two other vehicles and killed two people in her car as well as four people in a Ford Explorer that was involved in the accident. The investigators believe that alcohol was involved in the incident.

Witnesses at the scene of the accident believe that the driver was speeding the wrong way on the road at approximately 100 miles per hour. The driver is in stable condition and will be arrested on suspicion of a DUI and causing great bodily injury. She will also receive charges regarding the manslaughter of six people. The driver only suffered a broken leg and rupture bladder in the crash.

At the time of the accident, the driver was transporting her sister and another 21-year-old girl. Both died in the collision. Reports from February 10th say that the driver's DMV records show that her driver's license has been suspended multiple times. Her license was then revoked last May, and has not been reinstated. Therefore, she was driving on a suspended license when the accident occurred.

Of the tree cars that were involved in the crash, all passengers in a Ford Explorer were killed. The other car was mangled and the driver suffered minor injuries. He is at home recovering. He described the scene of the accident as something you would see in a movie. He says that there was twisted metal, blood, and mangled bodies everywhere. The horrific scene could have been avoided if the driver of the Camaro had been sober.

While the blood tests have not come back determining the driver's exact BAC, chances are that she was severely intoxicated at the time of the accident. If you have been arrested for a subsequent DUI or a DUI causing injury like this one, you may be terrified. Your reputation and your future are on the line. If you want more information about this, don't hesitate to contact a lawyer at the firm for more information. With the right lawyer there to help you, you can work towards a satisfactory solution to your DUI or defend yourself against severe penalties. Don't hesitate to call right away to learn more!

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