Featured News 2014 What Not to Do When Pulled Over

What Not to Do When Pulled Over

If you are pulled over for a DUI, you will want to remain calm and collected, and be as accommodating as possible with the police officers. Erratic or rebellious behavior can result in serious penalties, including additional penalties on top of a DUI.

If you are pulled over for a DUI, then you are required to comply with any blood or breath test requests. You can, however, refuse to participate in field sobriety tests without being penalized. You also have the right to remain silent. One of the worst mistakes you can make when pulled over is to admit that you have been drinking, or to admit that you came from a bar or restaurant. Instead, you should politely reply that you are invoking your right to remain silent and that you would like to speak with your attorney before answering questions.

If you are at a DUI checkpoint and are pulled over, you should politely comply with the officer's request. You cannot drive away from a DUI checkpoint. If you do, you could face serious punishments as a result. When interacting with officers, it is essential to be cordial. Don't try to make jokes, or don't mouth off to the officers and try to intimidate them with violent language. Also, if the police search your vehicle, don't make any sudden, jerky movements. The police are often over-cautious, and may assume that you are hiding a weapon.

If you are arrested for a DUI, don't try do it yourself representation. Instead, hire a reliable and trusted attorney to assist you with your case. With the right attorney there to help, you may be able to work through your case efficiently and fight for a satisfactory resolution. Use this directory to locate a trusted attorney to assist you in your case today!

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