Featured News 2014 Protecting Your Rights: What To Do During and After a DUI/DWI Arrest

Protecting Your Rights: What To Do During and After a DUI/DWI Arrest

Being charged with a DUI/DWI (driving under the influence/ driving while intoxicated) is not something to take lightly. Even if you are a first time DUI offender, you may be facing serious penalties including jail time, a license suspension, increased insurance rates, and mandatory alcohol and drug education courses. In addition, a DUI offense can leave a permanent mark on your criminal record, making it difficult to find a career or get accepted into college.

Oftentimes, after an individual has been arrested with a DUI, they assume there is nothing they can do to fight the charges. However, this is not always the case. There is always the possibility that the arresting law enforcement officer's methods were questionable during the arrest. The officer must have a valid reason for pulling over the defendant in the first place, and if they do not, it is the evidence may be suppressed and the charges dropped. It is possible for a faulty blood, breath, or urine test to be administered, and defective equipment can also result as invalid evidence.

Whether or not you believe the police officer had grounds to pull you over, it is important to cooperate and consent to the tests they ask you to partake in. Most states have an implied consent law, which means that if you refuse to submit to a blood or Breathalyzer test, you are subject to an automatic suspension of your driver's license.

Regardless of what your situation entails or how serious matters may seem, it is imperative that you contact an experienced DUI attorney as soon as possible after your arrest. Most states offer a small window of opportunity in which you can challenge your license suspension through a DMV hearing. The sooner you retain the representation of a lawyer, the sooner they can begin examining all the details surrounding your case, gathering all the evidence, and building the strongest defense possible on your behalf.

An aggressive attorney will not hesitate to challenge the evidence brought forth by the prosecution, or to contest the methods used by the arresting law enforcement officer. Regardless of what your situation entails, teaming up with a trusted DUI lawyer can help safeguard your rights and freedom. When your future is on the line, do not just sit back and wait for chance to take its course. Contact a DUI attorney today to see how they may be able to help you get your DUI charges reduced or dropped!

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