Featured News 2013 Traffic Related Teen Deaths, Many Aren’t Traffic Related

Traffic Related Teen Deaths, Many Aren’t Traffic Related

When thinking of teen-drinking deaths, it is quite simple to automatically believe that these accidents are a result of drunk driving, and rightly so. Everyday people are dying in accidents that are related to drivers who are under the influence of drugs or alcohol. However, according to studies done by MADD (otherwise known as Mothers against Drunk Driving) traffic accidents are not the only caused for teenage deaths. MADD reports that only 32% of teen deaths are actually traffic related accidents.

The studies done by MADD were based off of research in 2010 from the FBI and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) as well as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). With these findings, MADD came to the conclusion that when surveying the deaths of 15-20 teenagers, 68% of them had nothing to do with a traffic accident. As stated 32% of teen deaths were caused by drunk driving accidents, and they found that 30% were homicides, another 14% we related to teen suicides, 9% were caused by alcohol poisonings and the remaining 15% was related to another assortment of causes.

President of MADD, Jan Withers, shares that as mothers, their concern is the fact that alcohol has such devastating effects on those who are under the legal drinking age of 21; and it is not just related to people drunk driving. As stated, 9% of all teenage deaths were actually caused by alcohol poisoning, a painful death at that. Withers says that MADD is concerned that they are not as thoroughly educated on the dangers alcohol can have on teens as they should be, because these dangers are very real; and sadly they are not going away. Because of this, MADD encourages all parents to talk to their kids about alcohol; and the many dangers that may be associated with drinking before the legal age.

A professor of Behavioral Health and Prevention at Penn State, Rob Turrisi, shares that by parents educating and talking with their children regularly about drinking can have huge effects on their life when it comes to the time that they are exposed to drinking environments. For example, frequent talks can lead a high school senior who drinks minimally, or even not at all yet, from becoming an excessive drinker (or even alcoholic) when they get to college and join the heavy partying scene. Turrisi goes on saying that there are two influential forces in the lives of children, and that is the parents and the child's peers .

Parents have the unique opportunity to not only influence their children by way of discussions, but also through how they live their lives; which in many cases is a stronger example than any conversation about making smart choices. When surveying teenagers in the country, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration through their National Survey on Drug Use and Health found that 9.7 million teens reported drinking in just the previous month—that is one quarter of all teens in America. Where the influence of parents is really seen is in the fact that 21.4% of these teens reported that they got their alcohol supply from parents, adult family members or guardians who willingly gave it to them.

One parent reports that she believed letting her son drink at home was going o protect him because if he didn't it there, hopefully he wouldn't anywhere else. She chose to not confront him on his stash of bottles she found in the garage. Just four months later her son was found dead because of alcohol poisoning, and a BAC level of .41. She joins MADD in saying that drinking isn't only dangers for those who get behind the wheel, it is dangerous period.

If your minor has been arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, find a DUI attorney in your area to help you fight for their future.

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