Featured News 2012 Drinking at Concerts

Drinking at Concerts

Many drivers share the roads. Even if you are taking precaution you cannot always be assured that everyone around you is. Countless numbers of individuals are on the road at any given time, driving and from and number of locations. Some of those drivers may have been returning home from a study session while others may be on their way back from a night out with friends. Many of the people that are out on the roads could have had too much to drink or are slightly impaired from one drink.

One common occurrence is those that are returning home from concerts. Depending on the areas, concerts can occur any night of the week. Many venues hold thousands of people, meaning once the concert ends those people will all be out driving. For many, a concert is a night out where they want to have good time. They may have their guard down and not be as cautious as they otherwise would. An individual that is normally cautious about drunk driving may find themselves reducing their judgment when they are the driver amongst their friends. Often times officers know that there will be drinking at concerts so they position themselves in areas that allow them to survey who has been drinking. Many concerts even have police on site that are ready to arrest those that are overly intoxicated before they get out onto the street.

Drinking results in thousands of fatalities a year and even more deaths. Concerts can provide a venue that increases the likely hood for this occurrence. Some venues even offer alcohol at the location itself and with so many concert goers it can be difficult to keep an effective eye out for who has been drinking too much. With the fun atmosphere that is offered at a musical event it can be easy to get carried away. Unfortunately that euphoric feeling can end in misfortune.

Some may find themselves pulled over by an officer who suspects they have been drinking. They may ask you to take a number of tests that help them determine if in fact you are over the legal blood alcohol content level of .08%. A night of fun can quickly be turned around if you are arrested and charged for drunk driving. Since alcohol already can cause a person to be in a different state of mind than they otherwise would, the added effect of a concert can also increase that high feeling. You may be brought to jail where you will be released until your further court date after posting bail. If convicted for drinking and driving, the penalties may include fines, jail time, license suspension, license revocation, rehabilitative programs and more.

Each state has their own policies on drunk driving, most of which are harsh. If aggravated factors such as high speeds, an accident or an extremely high BAC level are involved, you can face higher charges. When you are attending a concert it is important to be prepared. Know how much you can handle or designate someone to drive so that you don’t put yourself or others at risk. Failing to take action early on can hurt you in a number of ways. A concert is meant to be an enjoyable even and you want to do what you can to keep it that way. If you are arrested or charged for drunk driving you will want to contact an attorney as soon as possible who can defend you against a conviction and seek to protect your rights.

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