Featured News 2014 Avoid a Holiday DUI

Avoid a Holiday DUI

Around Christmas and New Year's, you may notice a sudden increase in the number of law enforcement patrolling the streets. Officers are out looking for those that may have had a little too much wine at holiday dinner, and can set up checkpoints to help facilitate these arrests. With an uptick in drinking and the increased in out-of-town people visiting their loved ones around the holidays, law enforcement will be sure to patrol areas in order to make drunk driving arrests.

While the simplest bit of advice any driver can receive is to avoid getting behind the wheel of a car if they have been drinking, this isn't always possible. The holidays are full of food and wine, and many celebrate this time by toasting to the year ahead. Eating food can be a benefit for you as well. A full stomach can help delay the absorption of alcohol, allowing the alcohol to enter the system throughout a long period of time instead of immediately.

Use Smartphone Apps to Estimate BAC

If you find yourself drinking this holiday season, there are some apps for your smartphone that can help prevent a DUI. While these apps cannot guarantee against being pulled over or arrested, they can allow you to make an educated decision about getting behind the wheel of a car.

Some apps that you can use:

  • State Drive Sober Apps
  • Intoxicheck
  • BreathalEyes
  • DrinkTracker
  • BACtrack Smartphone Breathalyzer and App

Remember that the legal limit for driving is a BAC under .08 and anything over this amount can lead to a DUI arrest. Even if you are pulled over with a BAC of less than the legal limit but an officer feels your driving is impaired by alcohol, you may be charged with a wet reckless or other offense.

Nothing can ruin the holidays quicker than an arrest! To avoid a DUI, plan ahead by choosing to abstain from alcohol, using a designated driver, staying the night to sleep it off, or hiring a taxicab. If this cannot be avoided, be sure to hire a DUI defense attorney if you are arrested.

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