Latest News 2011 August Daughter of Celebrity Arrested for DUI

Daughter of Celebrity Arrested for DUI

While the arrests of actors are almost always front-page news for gossip magazines, their families are not always given anonymity when they have trouble with the law.

Such was the case for the daughter of an award-winning actor who was arrested for DUI last weekend. According to police reports, she was driving in Manhattan around 1 AM last Saturday when officers noticed her erratic behavior. When they pulled her over, they quickly determined that she was under the influence of alcohol.

To prove this, they gave her a blood-alcohol test and conducted field sobriety tests. Although the exact results of the breath test were not released, the results were above the legal state limit. She was taken to a local police station after her DUI arrest and was held there until her arraignment.

When you have been taken in for a DUI arrest, there is no time to waste in calling a DUI attorney who can protect your rights and best interests at all times.

Categories: DUI, DUI/DWI Arrests
