Featured News 2016 Consequences of a DUI/DWI Conviction

Consequences of a DUI/DWI Conviction

Most people are aware that if they are convicted of driving under the influence, they face fines, AA classes, attending a MAAD victim impact panel, community service, jail, and probation.

But, the consequences of a DWI or DUI don't stop there. For starters, DUI defendants can expect their auto insurance rates to shoot through the roof. The following are some of the lesser-known consequences of a DUI that you should familiarize yourself with.

1. A DUI can ruin your career.
There are certain industries that clearly frown upon DUIs. If you are a commercial driver, or work in the field of education or medicine, a DUI can lead to a dismissal or it can cause you to be turned down for promotions and future employment.

2. It can affect child custody.
In the middle of a child custody battle? You can bet that a recent DUI won't help your case. Not only does it look like you're not making sound decisions, but if it's close, the DUI can tip the scales in your ex's favor.

3. It can ruin your credit.
If you fail to pay all of the DUI fines, they will be reported to collections. The same will happen if you're in a DUI accident and you don't pay the bill charged by the local authorities. If for any reason you fail to pay your court-ordered fines, it can cause your FICO score to plummet.

4. It can affect immigration.
While a misdemeanor DUI won't usually lead to deportation, a felony DUI, or a drug-related DUI could affect your stay in the United States, especially if an immigration judge discovers that you have committed other criminal offenses while in the U.S.

5. It can affect professional licenses.
If someone has a DUI conviction, they may be denied a professional license, or they may be unable to renew it. This is common in many fields.

If you're facing DUI charges, don't hesitate to reach out to an experienced DUI attorney who can protect your freedom and your future.

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