Featured News 2014 Officers Prepare for St. Patrick’s Day DUI Arrests

Officers Prepare for St. Patrick’s Day DUI Arrests

St. Patrick's Day is a fun holiday where many people wear green and celebrate with rounds of drinks. While St. Patrick's Day can be enjoyable, it can be dangerous. When people drink too much at Irish taverns or at parties in the spirit of the holiday, they may be tempted to drive while intoxicated later in the night. According to KTVU San Francisco, the police are already gearing up for St. Patrick's Day by organizing checkpoints, patrols, and others to watch for dangerous drivers out on the road.

Many drivers aren't aware of how intoxicated they are when they enter their car after a rowdy party. One police Sergeant says that most drivers are unaware of the fact that these collisions kill people. All over the U.S., police are coordinating saturation patrols on streets where it is common to issue citations or where there are high collision rates. The police hope that their presence and enforcement will help to discourage individuals from drinking and driving on St. Patrick's Day. In some jurisdictions, police have already started their enforcement, hoping that by staring early they can best display their authority and show drivers that they will be looking for offenders all throughout the week.

For many, St. Patrick's Day is a day of alcohol. In fact, the alcoholic beverages served on this day are traditional. According to The Huffington Post, in American individuals drink more than 13 million pints of Guinness Extra Stout or Draught on St. Patrick's Day, as compared to 5.5 million pints on any other given day of the year. This is because the Guinness brand began in Ireland, and many people decide to theme their beverages on St. Patrick's Day.

Another popular beverage on St. Patrick's Day is an Irish Car Bomb. While Irish is in the title, admittedly Irish Car Bombs are one of the least Irish drinks on the list. If you went to order one in Ireland you'd probably get thrown out of the bar, but here in America this is a popular shot taken on St. Patty's. This is a harsh drink, and a few Irish Car Bombs can render a driver unsafe to operate on the road.

Other common drinks on St. Patrick's Day include Irish whiskey and green tinted beer. Some celebrants will take Irish coffee, which includes Irish whiskey in the blend. All of these drinks can be delicious in moderation, but if you drink too much and then get in your car, the results could be devastating. You can be sure that there will be many police officers out on the road the night of St. Patrick's Day looking for offenders.

If you are pulled over under suspicion of drunk driving and arrested, the first thing you need to do is hire a skilled and reliable attorney to help you. Don't hesitate to use our Find a DUI Attorney directory to locate a trustworthy attorney near you who can represent you in court. If you were pulled over for no apparent reason, then you may be able to prove that the police apprehended you without due cause.

Also, if you were caught at DUI checkpoint, you should check to make sure that the police did not deviate from a pre-planned pattern to pull you over. This is illegal, and you may be able to avoid penalties if you can prove that the authorities made this mistake. Happy Saint Patrick's Day and remember to drink carefully and drive wisely after any Irish celebrations that may take place next Monday!

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