You may be facing serious, life-changing penalties if you have been charged with a DUI offense in Rhode Island. Regardless of whether you have been charged with a DUI or DWI, or if you refused to submit to a chemical test, you need the aggressive legal defense of Attorney Robert Humphrey.
For 20 years, Attorney Humphrey has successfully handled drunk driving and refusal cases on the behalf of his clients. Prior to starting his own firm, Attorney Humphrey served for 14 years as a municipal prosecutor and special prosecutor.
When you choose to work with the Law Offices of Robert H. Humphrey, you are enlisting the help of a talented Rhode Island DUI attorney who is highly knowledgeable in defense law. Attorney Humphrey can provide superior legal defense for those facing charges involving drugs & DUI, out-of-state DUI, refusal of chemical tests, first offense DUI and much more.
Contact a Rhode Island DUI lawyer at the firm today!