Officer Takes Life of Boy While DUI
Posted on Jan 23, 2012 3:15pm PST
A police officer on his night off caused a DUI accident that took the life of a teenage boy. His case has finally gone to trial and he has already testified about his role in the accident. According to the 42-year-old veteran narcotics officer, he was at a neighborhood bar where he had just two drinks. He was on his way home when he saw a young boy on a bicycle. He tried to move out of the way but the bicyclist veered into his path anyway. He struck and killed the young boy who died on the scene.
The officer then drove away from the DUI accident in a panic. When fellow officers caught up with him, he was driving the wrong way and had an open container of beer in his front console. His car showed signs of damage as well as blood from the young boy. He has been charged with reckless homicide and driving under the influence. Were you arrested for causing a DUI accident? Now is the right time to get a
DUI attorney involved in your case.