Police Chief's Daughter Killed during DUI Accident
Posted on Feb 20, 2012 3:00pm PST
A community is waiting to hear the outcome of a possible trial that involves the death of the local police chief's daughter. However, the response will be delayed as the judge overhearing the case has a full docket and has asked for the case to be postponed. This is good news for the defendant, D.B., who has been charged with killing 29-year-old D.T. This will give his attorneys more time to work on his case. The attorneys have already spoken about entering several motions against the prosecution, one of which would disallow the use of police video.
The prosecutors plan on using a video that is reportedly very graphic. The suspect's lawyers want to have the video thrown out of the case. It shows the victim being struck by the vehicle as she was standing outside of a bridal shop. If you have recently been arrested for DUI, you need to seek legal counsel immediately. Don't wait to get a
DUI attorney involved in your case.