Multiple Drunk Drivers Crash into Same Home
Posted on Apr 10, 2012 10:20am PDT
A home in Redding has been the site of several car accidents over the past few months. Police have been called to the location multiple times after drunk drivers have failed to navigate a turn directly before the home. The latest accident was caused by an 18-year-old driver, L.C.M., who police say was driving his vehicle well above the posted speed limit. He was driving 60 mph in a 35 mph zone when he attempted to navigate a tricky turn. He missed a utility pole but drove through a concrete wall and into the front yard of the Redding residence. Luckily, neither the driver nor his three passengers were injured in the drunk driving accident.
L.C.M. was taken into custody on suspicion of DUI with a blood alcohol content greater than 0.08%. This is the second time in less than three months that a driver has wound up on the front lawn of the same residence. Police were called to the home months ago for another drunk driver who failed to make the same difficult turn. If you are facing charges for causing a DUI accident, now is the right time to hire a DUI attorney in your area.