Latest News 2011 October Checkpoint Nets 13 DUI Arrests

Checkpoint Nets 13 DUI Arrests

States across the country are trying to reduce the number of drunken driving accidents by holding DUI checkpoints. One such checkpoint was held in New Castle County last week and led to 13 DUI arrests.

According to the Office of Highway Safety, the Millsboro Police Department collaborated with the New Castle County DUI Task Force to conduct a checkpoint. While hundreds of vehicles went through the checkpoint, just 13 drivers were actually arrested for DUI. In addition to drunk driving arrests, the officers handed out over 100 citations for assorted traffic offenses. These included underage drinking and driving, felony violations, a stolen vehicle, weapons charges, failure to restrain children properly and violations of seat belt laws.

Additional checkpoints are scheduled across Delaware for next weekend as well. The campaign, which began just a few months ago, has already led to the arrest of 173 alcohol- or drug-impaired drivers in the state.

Charged with DUI?  Now is the right time to work with a DUI lawyer who can help you maintain your innocence.

Categories: DUI, Checkpoints
