Latest News 2011 July Suspect Shows Up Drunk to Court

Suspect Shows Up Drunk to Court

The last place you want to show up drunk is to court, especially when you are there for a DUI arrest.

However, a former sheriff's deputy did just that in an Orange County court, prompting the judge to double his jail sentence. The suspect, a 38-year-old male, would have served just 16 months behind bars for his DUI conviction. Yet, when he showed up to his court hearing intoxicated, the judge revoked his initial offer and sentenced him to 32 months in jail. As part of his bail terms, the suspect was not allowed to consume alcohol, a violation that was apparent to both the bailiffs and the judge.

The man pleaded guilty to the charges against him, including two felony counts of selling a substance

in lieu of cocaine, felony driving under the influence causing bodily injury and nine felony counts of obtaining a controlled substance by fraud. In March 2010, the suspect was found to have traded fake cocaine for prescription drugs.

Arrested for DUI?  Now is the time to enlist the legal services of a DUI attorney that can help you fight your drunk driving charges both in and out of court.

Categories: DUI, DUI/DWI Arrests
