Latest News 2011 February Pressly Pleads Not Guilty to DUI

Pressly Pleads Not Guilty to DUI

Adding to the list of personal problems that have been plaguing the actress recently, Jaime Pressley has pleaded not guilty to driving under the influence last week.

This came as a result of Pressley's arrest by Santa Monica police on Jan. 5 when she had difficulty completing a field sobriety test. Police had originally pulled her over for a suspected traffic violation but soon realized that the "My Name is Earl" star was under the influence of alcohol.

Although the details haven't been released to the public yet, it is believed that Pressley's blood-alcohol limit was three times the legal limit. We do know that she was charged with two counts of DUI and released on a $15,000 bail.

Her plea was entered last Friday in a Los Angeles County courtroom where she was asked to return on March 18 for her next court date. If found guilty, Pressley could spend as many as six months in jail.

If you're facing DUI charges, it is advised that you hire a DUI attorney as soon as possible.

Categories: DUI, DUI/DWI Arrests
