Latest News 2009 December Shane Lamas Pleads to Wet Reckless Charges

Shane Lamas Pleads to Wet Reckless Charges

This past Monday, Shane Lamas, daughter of Lorenzo Lamas, pleaded to a lesser charge of wet reckless in Los Angeles, California.  Last month, Lamas was arrested for driving under the influence (DUI). 

The judge presiding over Lamas' case sentenced the young star with three years of probation.  She was also ordered to complete an alcohol education program and the L.A. County Morgue program.  The judge also ordered Lamas to pay a $300 fine for her offense.

On November 15th, Lamas was pulled over by police in Venice, California.  They say that she admitted to displaying "lack of judgment" for driving after she had consumed one drink.  After the incident occurred and was made public, Lamas apologized to her fans for her actions.

Wet reckless is a lesser criminal offense that can be substituted for DUI whenever the case is categorized a non-injury case.  However, if offenders are charged with a subsequent DUI within 10 years, the wet reckless offense is classified as DUI.

If you have been charged with DUI in Los Angeles, click here to find a California DUI defense lawyer!
Categories: DUI
