Police Conduct Traffic Blitz in Alabama
Posted on Aug 30, 2009 2:19pm PDT
In Selma, Alabama, it is reported that police patrol units scattered the roads and highways this past Friday. August 21st marked the beginning of a major traffic blitz conducted by the Selma Police Department. The SDP received a small grant to pay officers overtime to monitor the streets for traffic related offenses, especially offenses involving speeding and
driving under the influence (DUI).
When asked about the traffic blitz in Selma, Sgt. Doug Stewart said, "Periodically (the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs) will give the department grants so we can target particular traffic offenses." He went on to say that sometimes the department focuses on child restraints and other times, it focuses on DUI and speeding, both of which are serious traffic infractions in the state of Alabama. Anytime drivers break traffic laws, they are pulled over by the SDP without question.
The traffic blitz will end on September 7th. Until that time, drivers are being cautioned as 2 out of every 3 officers will be on patrol and looking for traffic offenders.
For this traffic blitz, the SDP received $1,800 from ADECA. However, the SDP has conducted blitzes in the past, the most recent occurring last May. During that time, police claim that they made a huge difference in just 10 days. Within 16 hours of the blitz, police officers had issued 48 citations, 8 warnings and had arrested one person for a misdemeanor offense.
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