46 Year Old Sarasota Woman Charged with DUI & Manslaughter
Posted on Oct 17, 2008 10:47am PDT
Constance S. Saikaley, a 46 year old Sarasota, Florida woman is facing a felony
vehicular manslaughter charge along with
DUI (driving under the influence) charges. Reports indicate that Saikaley struck her fiancee with her motor vehicle after leaving a Florida bar this past Wednesday night. The man died this Thursday while in the hospital.
Sarasota police have charged Constance Saikaley with
five counts of driving under the influence along with DUI related property damage. Police report that the accident occurred at approximately 10:45 PM outside of Shakespeare's English Pub. Saikaley backed her car out of the bar's parking lot and hit a parked car. Instead of stopping, she continued to back up her car. That is when she hit 55 year old James Halpin, who was pushed into another vehicle after being hit.
Mr. Halpin fell onto the pavement after being struck and hit his head. Still, even after hitting Mr. Halpin, Saikaley continued to drive, striking four other vehicles. People who saw the accident occur report that Saikaley saw Mr. Halpin and told him, while he was unconscious, "that he was faking it and to get up.'
Prior to leaving Shakespeare's English Pub, bartenders and waitresses report that Saikaley and Mr. Halpin were drinking together at the pub. A receipt from their evening together reveals that the couple, who were engaged, ordered five glasses of wine and a beer.
Halpin suffered catastrophic brain injuries after hitting the pavement and was rushed to a local hospital. On Thursday at 3:05 PM, he was taken off of life support and died shortly after.
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