Riverside County Prepared to Crack Down on Holiday Drunk Driving
Posted on Dec 12, 2008 11:27am PST
As of today, Riverside County Law Enforcement agencies will be joining other law enforcement departments throughout California on the Holiday
DUI crackdown called the "Avoid the 30".
In accordance with California's Holiday DUI Enforcement Campaign, authorities will have zero tolerance for drivers who are driving under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. Additionally, law enforcement departments statewide are asking other motorists to call 911 if they suspect that a person is drunk driving.
''How many times have you seen someone driving erratically in an unsafe manner and wished there was a cop around?'' said Karen Haverkamp with the Riverside Police Department, "law enforcement can't be everywhere at once." Police are asking that motorists call 911 if they see fellow drivers weaving on the road or exhibiting other indicative signs of drunk driving like speeding, ignoring traffic signs or random stops.
"Avoid the 30" alludes to the process of DUI offenders being handcuffed. The "0" represents a closed handcuff and the "3" represents an open handcuff that is about to be closed.
Police say that help from the public is greatly appreciated and also needed throughout these types of campaigns.
Checkpoints and saturation patrols will be held across the county to stop drunk drivers. The checkpoints are created by the city as a way to reduce the number of people killed and/or injured during DUI related accidents throughout the holidays.
At the checkpoints, motor vehicles are checked and drivers who are under the influence are immediately arrested.
''Our objective is to send a clear message to those who are considering driving a motor vehicle after consuming alcohol or drugs,'' said Riverside County sheriff, Randall Wedertz.
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