Featured News 2016 DUI and Police Misconduct

DUI and Police Misconduct

In any section of government or law enforcement, officials can make mistakes or they can intentionally be involved in corrupt activities; this is no secret. Has this ever happened in a drug bust or in a DUI case? Of course it has.

Police officers are human and like everybody else, they can make poor decisions, whether they are intentional or not. When an arresting officer violates standard protocol, provides false testimony or lies on a police report, their actions can lead to devastating consequences for the defendant.

Most cops are honorable and devote their careers to keeping our streets safe. But there are cops who lie, cheat and steal, and who will do whatever it takes to cover up their bad choices. Then there are the officers that land somewhere in between.

Are you a victim of police misconduct?

Were you arrested for driving under the influence? If so, do you feel that you are a victim of police misconduct? Did the officer say or do something that led you to arrive at this conclusion?

Experienced DUI attorneys know all too well that police misconduct is a reality. With that in mind, it is their job to consider all possibilities, and not to take an officer's statement or a police report at face value.

If your lawyer can prove that evidence was fabricated, or that your rights were violated, or that the arresting officer lied on the stand (committed perjury), it's possible to get your charges dismissed.

Police officers make mistakes in DUI cases all the time, and when a savvy defense attorney takes notice, those errors can be used as defense strategy, whether or not the officer had bad intentions.

If an officer's errors are significant, it's possible that the prosecutor will agree to reduce the defendant's charges, or such glaring mistakes can even lead to a dismissal in charges.

To learn more about police misconduct, reach out to a DUI attorney in our directory!

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