Featured News 2014 Penalties for an Underage DUI

Penalties for an Underage DUI

For minors younger than 21 years old, most states set the legal limit for blood alcohol content (BAC) at 0.02. Other states hold to a zero tolerance policy, making any measurable trace of alcohol illegal for an underage driver. What this means is that for a teen to be accused of drunk driving, he or she does not even have to be drunk. If a teen is charged with driving while intoxicated by an illegal controlled substance, then he or she will face DWI charge as well as a drug charge. And as with adult DUI arrests, a minor could be accused of driving under the influence because of legal drugs such as prescription medication.

When a young person faces the penalties for a DUI, he or she has an entire future to think about. Getting accepted to a good school, finding good work, and other important aspects of moving forward in life can be seriously affected by driver's license suspension and a criminal record.

What are some of the other potential penalties for an under 21 DUI? They include:

  • Paying $100 to $3,000 in fines
  • Vehicle impoundment
  • Completing drug & alcohol courses
  • Probation for 3 to 5 years
  • Jail for one day to 2 years

Of course, the exact penalties that a young person could face would depend not only on the specifics of their own case, but on the laws in their own state. But no matter the state you live in, an underage DUI arrest is a matter of public record, and a DUI conviction is something that any prospective college, employer, landlord, or lender could look up online. If you or your child has been charged with an underage DUI, do not hesitate to start talking to an experienced DUI lawyer today to fight for your future!

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