Featured News 2014 Landing a Job After You’ve Been Charged with a DUI

Landing a Job After You’ve Been Charged with a DUI

If you have been arrested for a DUI, then you need to understand how such an arrest will appear on a personal record, which potential employers will hinge their choice on your driving record, and what you can do to erase this history. This will not be available in every case, and dealing with certain charges can be trickier than others. So read on, and contact a DUI lawyer as soon as possible.

Even if you were never convicted of the charge, employers in general will want to know about your driving record. But this record will probably make or break your application only when:

  • The job involves driving,
  • You would use a company car, or
  • You would be interacting with kids or teens

So what can you do about this record? While some websites may offer to clear your record in one fell swoop, be wary. Such measures will not always be able to cover everything. You should look at more substantial options first. Depending on the type of charge, you may have a couple of ways to erase a DUI arrest from public record:

  • Expungement: In some states, you can seal the arrest record from public view, and in a job interview, you would be able to truthfully answer that you have never been arrested for a crime.
  • Alcohol or Drug Courses: If you take such a course and show proof of completion to the DMV and your insurer, you could get these entities to wipe the arrest from your records.
  • Automatic Clearing: This is only in some states, but after 7 to 10 years have passed since the arrest, and you have not been arrested any other time since then, your record will be automatically sealed. If you cannot erase your record right now, at least in these states, you can know it's only a matter of time before the record will disappear of its own accord.

Ask a legal professional about what your state allows, and how you might go about starting one of these processes. You want to make sure that you get any necessary documents straightened out and submitted on time. A DUI lawyer could even give you tips for how to handle any charges in your job application and interview when your record comes up.

It should be noted that there are some charges that cannot be removed from your personal driving record, such as most felony DUI charges. This can apply to charges that involve:

  • DUI accidents where severe property damage occurred
  • DUI accidents where there were severe injuries
  • Vehicular manslaughter
  • Felony drug DUIs

But even if you have a felony DUI arrest to your name, it may be possible to get the charge reduced to a misdemeanor, and then eligible for expungement. Start learning what your options for moving forward are when you call a DUI attorney from our directory today!

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