Featured News 2014 Important Facts About BUIs

Important Facts About BUIs

Driving under the influence is an illegal act, but so is boating under the influence. If you are caught out on the water with a beer in hand, you can be arrested and prosecuted in a case very similar to a DUI. As well, if you have a BAC that is above 0.08% you will face the same charges as you would for a DUI on the land. Individuals throughout the United States spend their leisure time or work out on oceans, lakes and rivers. These bodies of water can be very dangerous if intoxicated drivers are on the loose and operate their watercraft recklessly. Boating under the influence is a serious concern in the United States and present and there are many BUI citations given out each and every year.

Interestingly enough, about one-third of all recreational boating fatalities involve a drunk boat operator. This is why the U.S. Coast Guard and water patrolmen are convinced that they need to enforce BUI laws harshly throughout the country. You can lose both your boating license and your driver's license if you are arrested for a BUI. This is because the authorities assume that if you cannot control your drinking habits out on the water, you are not safe to drive on land either. Only some states initiate the double-license suspension, so you will want to talk with a lawyer in your area to learn if this will affect you.

As a BUI suspect, you can be held civilly liable for any damages from an accident. Alcohol can threaten your safety on the water in unexpected ways, so it is important to refrain from drinking. For example, medical experts have discovered that inner ear disturbances caused by alcohol intoxication make it impossible for a person who falls in the water to distinguish up from down, which could lead to drowning. As well, the physical warmth that is generated by alcohol could keep a swimmer from realizing that he or she may catch hypothermia in cold waters.

If you want more information about BUI cases or if you have been arrested for a BUI and need to fight your charges, use this directory to locate a nearby attorney that can help you!

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