Featured News 2014 Drunk Driving at 20-Year Low in Minnesota

Drunk Driving at 20-Year Low in Minnesota

Criminal convictions and arrests as a result of drunk driving in Minnesota has reached a 20-year low. Authorities are attributing this drop in driving while impaired to increased law enforcement efforts in combination with changing attitudes about drunk driving.

Minnesota Experiences Decrease in Drunk Driving

The state experienced a high for drunk driving arrests in 2006, when almost 42,000 people were arrested. In 2013, this number dropped to 25,700 arrests.

While the state is making improvements to combat drunk driving, it still remains a problem in Minnesota. Of the 4 million licensed drivers in the state, 1 in 7 has a drunk driving conviction. In 2013, there were 70 arrests due to drunk driving made in the state every day, and 40% of all drivers that were a part of a fatal crash had already had at least one prior conviction.

Officials are citing the prevalence of other chemical dependencies, enforcement intensity, and recreational activities in the area as determinates of drunk driving rates. In the 1960's, 60% of Minnesota's traffic fatalities were linked to drinking and driving. Now, the overall culture in Minnesota regarding drunk driving is changing.

Penalties for DUI in Minnesota

Any DUI case should be handled by an experienced attorney. As laws, statutes, and details differ in every case, a DUI lawyer will be best equipped to answer questions or help in court.

Minnesota law prohibits diving with a blood alcohol level over 0.08 for legal adults, 0.04 for commercial drivers, and 0.02 for minors.

If arrested on a drunk driving charge, penalties can vary.

  • First DUI conviction: License suspended for 90 days minimum, unless the driver pleads guilty to the charge. Up to $1000 fine and up to 90 days in jail.
  • Second DUI conviction: License suspended for 180 days minimum. A work permit may be issued after half the time is served. Up to 1 year in jail and up to $3000 fine. Vehicle license plates will be impounded.
  • Third DUI conviction: License suspended for 1 year. No work permit offered until end of suspension. Treatment and rehabilitation is required. Up to 1 year in jail and up to $3000 fine. Vehicle will be forfeited and license plates will be impounded.
  • Four or more DUI convictions: This is a felony DUI charge. License revoked up to 4 years. Treatment and rehabilitation required to show proof of sobriety for one year. If license is reinstated, the individual must practice lifetime abstinence. Up to 7 years in prison and a $14000 fine.

The term for a DUI in Minnesota is 10 years. If a DUI occurs outside of that 10 year window, it wipes the slate clean and will be counted as a first-time offense.

DUIs can be serious business. Even if it is a first time offense, an experienced DUI attorney will be able to help reduce possible charges, examine all defenses, and perhaps even help remove the arrest from the record if the driver is found not guilty.

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