Featured News 2014 A Family That Drinks Together Stays Together

A Family That Drinks Together Stays Together

A family that drinks together stays together, or so it goes for a Vermont father and his two sons. A single-car accident following a day of fishing was enough to land all three in jail for driving under the influence.

String of Familial DUI Arrests

Each arrest occurred when a member of the family came to check in on the previous one's arrest. At no point did using a designated, sober driver occur to the men as they racked up DUI charges.

At around 7:50 pm, a Vermont Fish and Wildlife Game warden came upon a single-car rollover accident. The elder son was found behind the wheel of the car. A roadside breath test placed his blood alcohol level at around three times the legal limit.

The younger son, below the legal drinking age, came to the scene of the accident to check on his brother. While outside of the car, the father moved from the passenger to the driver's seat and drove the vehicle closer to where the accident occurred. It was determined by the officers at the scene that the father was also intoxicated. A breath test noted that his blood alcohol level was also around three times the legal limit. The younger son began to drink alcoholic beverages while the father was being charged, which led to his arrest as well.

The incident resulted in the second DUI charge for the two sons. The younger brother faces his second charge in two weeks and the older brother is also facing a charge of driving with a suspended licenseSecond offense DUIs in Vermont face up to 2 years in jail, up to $1,500 in fines, and a license suspension of up to 18 months.

Let's hope that the family was released to someone that had refrained from drinking and driving that day.

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