Featured News 2013 The Most Dangerous Night of the Year

The Most Dangerous Night of the Year

Tonight is New Year's Eve, which is a night of celebration and excitement for Americans everywhere. Ringing in the New Year normally involves champagne or another form of alcohol. While this can be a festive way to conclude the holidays, New Year's Eve can also be a night fraught with danger for drivers everywhere.

This is because of the prominence of drunk drivers out on the roads. One estimate suggests that 70% of the drivers that are out on the road in the early morning hours of New Years' Day have been drinking. While not all of these drivers have consumed alcohol over the legal limit, they are all at risk to an accident. This is because there are also many severely intoxicated drivers out on the road that may be careening down the highways and will crash into any cars in their way.

This year, many cities are working to combat drunk driving by providing free transportation services for intoxicated individuals on New Year's Eve. In some cities, AAA is offering a free towing service to any intoxicated individuals and will provide the one-way tow free of charge for up to 10 miles. Other cab services are offering free rides and some buses or railways are also providing free tickets for any intoxicated individuals who can't drive home.

While these services are working hard to discourage drunk driving, the fact is that some people fail to observe this law. According to MADD< on New Year's Day in 2012 70 people were killed in drunk driving crashes nationwide. About half of all traffic fatalities on this night last year were attributed to an intoxicated driver.

If you plan to go out this New Years' Eve for a night on the town, it is imperative to designate a driver. If the driver drinks beyond his or her legal limit, then you should call a cab or seek alternative transportation to get home. Some individuals may prefer to prepare a cab to take them home or hire a limousine or shuttle service for the night. It may also be wise to get a hotel room near where your party is taking place so that you can celebrate without having to worry about how you will make it back to your house.

A survey conducted by MADD reports that 73% of all adults have been at an event and seen someone try to drive home after drinking too much. About 19% of those witnesses did nothing to stop the offender as he or she got into the car to drive away. The best way to prevent someone from driving drunk is to make a plan for a non-drinking designated driver and to make sure that everyone agrees to the plan ahead of time.

As you head out to the New Years' celebrations tonight, keep in mind that law enforcement is on the job and on the lookout for intoxicated drivers. Police are not ignorant of the fact that New Years' Eve is a night full of alcohol and therefore there will be many intoxicated drivers out on the road.

As a result, the police will be staking out near popular bars or parties in order target intoxicated drivers. If you are arrested for a DUI on New Years' Eve, you are going to want a skilled attorney there to represent you in your case. Don't hesitate to call a firm near you today to learn more. With the right attorney on your side, you can rest assured that you will have a chance in fighting against your charges!

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