Featured News 2013 Avoiding a DUI During St. Patrick’s Day Weekend

Avoiding a DUI During St. Patrick’s Day Weekend

St. Patrick's Day is a beloved holiday for many people in order to celebrate their Irish heritage. However, as with many holidays here in America, any holiday means it is time to break open the booze bottles and kegs of beer and party with your friends and families. This day is known for parties, festivals, parades and the like; anything in the name of celebration and drinking for all to enjoy. While these can be all fun and games, there is one very real factor that people need to consider: the police will be watching. On holiday weekends patrol officers are usually more staffed in order to catch those who are driving under the influence during a holiday celebration.

Many County's will be doing whatever they can in order to catch those who may be placing themselves in danger as well as those around them, both vehicles and pedestrians alike. As a result of this, here are a few tips to consider in order to avoid our St. Patrick's Day DUI arrest. First off, and the most obvious: if you don't want to get arrested, don't drink and drive. Driving under the influence of either alcohol or drugs can be an extremely dangerous act, and can place yourself and many other lives in grave danger. DUI accidents can result in severe injuries for those involved, and in many cases it can also have fatal results as well. Make a plan of action if you plan on getting wasted during your holiday celebration, find a trusted driver or make arrangements to sleep where the party will be. Whatever you do, don't drink and get behind the wheel!

If you want to drink on this holiday and still drive home, be smart about how much you consume. Know your limits and what your body can handle. Be continually drinking water throughout the night and make sure you have a full stomach of food in order to break down the effects of the alcohol on your body and mind. Remember, in most states the blood alcohol content limit is 0.08%, so be prepared to stay under that level at all costs. As a driver, make sure your car is fully equipped in the event that you are pulled over by an officer of the law. What does this mean? Make sure you have your license with you at all times, make sure the car registration is inside of it; and even check to see if your car is in general working order. For example, you may not be driving poorly, but if your tail light is busted you could still get pulled over and questioned for your breath smelling like alcohol.

Avoiding a DUI arrest means that you need to be a careful driver, obey your traffic laws perfectly. Don't roll through your stop signs or aggressively weave through traffic, and definitely do not speed! Another tip that many people many not consider is that you can get arrested for a DUI in some cases if you are behind the wheel, even if the officer hasn't seen you driving. So, if you decide you rather just sleep off the alcohol in your car, make sure that your engine is turned off and your keys are far from you.

Whatever the case may be for you, in the event you have been arrested for a DUI, contact a trusted attorney immediately! Your future can be greatly affected by a DUI conviction, which means this is something you do not want to mess with. Contact a DUI defense lawyer in your area in order to challenge the charges placed against you and to fight for your rights as a driver.

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