Featured News 2012 Multi-Millionaire Sentenced to Jail for DUI Manslaughter

Multi-Millionaire Sentenced to Jail for DUI Manslaughter

It is not difficult for a person to find themselves in the position of being charged for a DUI. It really can happen to almost anyone. Many drivers get in the car and onto the roads honestly believing that they did not have too much and are fine to drive after only a few drinks. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. Many are surprised to find out that those couple of drinks increased their blood alcohol content level to the legal standard of .08 percent, at which a person is considered to be drunk.

One man recently had a wakeup call in realizing that anyone can deal with a DUI, no matter what your social status is. JG is a Polo mogul who founded the International Polo Club Palm Beach. The 48 year old was driving in February of 2010 when he crashed his Bentley into another car. The driver of the other car, SW, a 23 year old engineering graduate was sent flying into a canal where he became trapped and drowned. JG fled the scene rather than trying to help the other driver of the vehicle or calling 911. He was picked up after the crash and his blood alcohol content was tested. Three hours after the crash it was found to still be over twice the legal limit.

He was found guilty of DUI manslaughter, along with failure to render aid by leaving the victim there at the scene rather than attempting to rescue him. To protect his $300 million dollar estate from being taken by the family of the victim, JG adopted his 42 year old girlfriend. The defense team argued that the defendant had not crashed as a result of drunk driving but due to his car malfunctioning. He stated that the vehicle lurched forward involuntarily and was the reason that he hit the 23 year old. He was recently sentenced to 16 years in prison.

One of the jurors conducted an experiment of his own, looking to understand the level of intoxication that JG had the night of the accident. He had the same amount of drinks and wrote a short book on his findings that he would have been too impaired to drive. The defense stated that this negatively influenced the trial and was a violation of court room rules. The judge denied using this experiment as a basis for a new trial.

He is to pay the family of the victim $46 million dollars. The judge on the case stated that the scenario the defense painted of how much the defendant had been drinking does not fit the case and that he was far more intoxicated than what a few drinks would have caused. His team is already looking to appeal the decision and has begun taking action to have it overturned. He was released on a $7 million bond that both he and his family came up with. JG will be watched 24/7 by police officers and will be wearing a monitor as well. The terms of his release will also confine him to work and home. The decision is being looked over by the judge who is expected to make the decision today.

He will be released for the length of the appeals process which can last up to 18 months. It is left up to the state to decide the penalties for a DUI manslaughter case and each of them can have a difference in opinion of how to best go about it. Those that are found guilty can face a high prison sentencing, expensive fines, probation and other damaging repercussions. A mistake made one night can hinder the rest of their lives if they are not able to defend a charge or have it reduced. It is important to have high quality defense in these types of cases since failing to do so can leave you more open to a conviction. In addition, those that have already been convicted may be able to appeal the decision with the help of an experienced attorney that understands the justice system.

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