Featured News 2018 Black Wednesday Is a Popular Day for DUIs

Black Wednesday Is a Popular Day for DUIs

Today is Thanksgiving Eve—also known as "Black Wednesday" by car insurance companies. Why? According to AAA, there will be about 43.4 million people traveling for the Thanksgiving holiday. The majority of these people will be traveling on Black Wednesday, and 90% of all travelers will be headed to their destination by car.

In addition to heavy traffic, police are on high alert for people driving under the influence. This is why many local police forces will be implementing checkpoints or patrols to make sure that individuals are not violating DUI laws.

Why Black Wednesday Is a Police-Targeted Night

According to reports, Black Wednesday is a popular night for drinking because people have often just finished work for the week and want to celebrate. Also, the fact that they don't have to go into the office motivates some people to drink more than they usually would. Many college students head home for Thanksgiving weekend, and may decide to go out for drinks with their friends once they get back. Many restaurants and bars encourage drinking on Black Wednesday with extended happy hours.

Individuals should designate a driver if they plan to head to the bar or to a friend's house for drinks over the weekend. If you are not able to designate a driver, then you should plan to call an Uber or find a place to rest until the effects of alcohol have worn off. Don't ruin your Thanksgiving holiday with an unexpected DUI arrest. The police will be waiting to catch anyone who appears to be intoxicated and is swerving or speeding on the roads.

If You're Reading This After Your Arrest...

If you are arrested for DUI on Black Wednesday or over the Thanksgiving weekend, you need to hire a DUI attorney as soon as possible. Their help may get your charges dismissed, your case acquitted, or your penalties lowered. Given that a DUI can threaten your ability to make a living, qualify for scholarships, or find good housing, you do not want to risk taking a plea deal without talking to a lawyer.

Speak with a DUI attorney today—one free consultation could help answer your questions and get you what you need to walk free.

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